Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Player

A very prominent member of the Monsey community is supporting "religious ex" in her battle to fight the Psak of the Bais Din and ruin the system.

Her name is Chaya Gitty Rosenberg of the famed Rosenberg Realty.

What completely blows my mind is her hypocrisy.

This is a woman who has the most important Rabbonim over at her house, marries her children into prominent families, supports sons in law in Kollel, has her name plastered all over Tzedakah letters and is generally a God fearing jew.

How someone with these cerdentials could suppoort the violation of such a basic principle of Judaism and enable a Chillul Hashem of this magnitude is beyond my ability to comprehend.

If anyone can help her understand the ramifications of her actions, it would be most appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I feel for you. Men today are getting screwed by the courts.the only 2 bais dins that help the men are rabbi gestetner and rabbi abraham's bais din in monsey, ny

Anonymous said...

I feel terrible telling you this but you are a niave fool. please mochel me but I have no choice. call rav Gestetner up immediately at bais din sh'ar hamishpot in monsey. i am inclined to argue that every bais din in ny is posul except for his and rav dov tzvi abraham's. one should never give a get until the other issues are sorted out. i feel for you.

he does not allow to'anim in his bais din. there is din, you are not forced in to peshoro with someone who wants to murder and rob you. she gets what she is entitled to (nothing since she is probably a moredes, amoseres and someone who took you to arko'oys). if you went to a zabla, according to hagoon hagodol, rav yiroel fisher the ra'avad of the bdatz zt'l, you can retract as the zabla in america is totally treif. i hope rav gestetner can try save you from yourself. wake up before it is totally too late.

rav gestetner is virtually free! he is not in it for $'s like the rest of them.

Rabbi Michael Tzadok said...

You should talk to some Rabbanim and Gedolim about your situation. That will help. Aside from that get yourself a good lawyer, preferabbly one that is also Religious. If you don't know one, find one, if you need help ask.

It seems that you went with the Borer Echad system of picking a B"D. I am curious as to why? Considering that the Sh"A says that is only for places lacking established batei dinim, and well the NY is not lacking established batei dinim.

As far as the Shtar Birurim, they have about a 75% chance of working in NY, better if the B"D had a decent lawyer draw it up, who took into account past problems and legal rulings. The issue you are facing is that it is possible to win and still lose.

Let me explain, if she has enough money backing her, she can run you through the court system and thus do you severe financial damage. In the end the court uphold the B"D psak, but in the meanwhile, you have lost big time.

You're two main options are:
1) Fight it out in the courts.
2)Convince her to appeal it to a higher B"D, as they will have the ability to overturn the decision and that should still be within the bounds of your Shtar. This is also within the bounds of Halacha, as is elucidated in Choshen Mishpat... sorry can't remember the simanim, and don't have time to look it up.