Monday, November 12, 2007

Ambivalence rules the day

I am still debating my next move.

I have a few options. First, I can continue to try and get "religious ex" to agree and show up to Zavlah. Second, I can go to court and try and get to enforce their decision that the financial components need to be resolved at a Din Torah. Third, I can do this the hard way and fight it out in public.

My lawyers are split, one wants to go for a contempt charge, the other says to keep at the Bais Din process, eventually she will have to show up.

There is one item which may not be perfectly clear. There already was a Shtar Brurin signed. As the Bais Din was nearing a decision on finances, her lawyers informed the Bais Din that she would go to court anyway. She did not listen to a number of the Bais Din's interim decisions so they believed her. Rather than being embarrassed by this, the original Shlish in the case resigned. I wish they had issued a ruling, it could have been enforced under the law. This took place 3 years ago.

"Religious ex" proceeded to the court system. The Court ordered her back to Bais Din more than 2 years ago.

If it sounds complicated, it is :-(

So one more time, why did I give that "get"?

I wish I was not a decent person, life would be much easier.......


Nice Jewish Guy said...

You need to take the get out of the equation.

First of all, it's done; it's academic. You can't take it back. So there's no point in wishing otherwise.

Secondly, a get isn't a weapon or a bargaining chip. It's a Jewish bill of divorce. You divorced your wife, and you did the correct thing by not holding her chained to you. congratulations- you are now in the same situation as almost every other divorcing man, slugging it out in courts. If you weren't Jewish or observant, this is the way it would have gone anyway, with no get to hold as leverage. Withholding a get would not have magically made this situation any better- it would have only caused further damage between you and the mother of your children, and of course, the children.

Gave A Get said...

NJC, I cannot for the life of me see how it could be worse. She is out to destroy me, my kids don't want to have anything to do with me. It would have been cheaper the other way...

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

One thing. Are you guys CIVILLY divorced? Because if not, she can't legally marry either and that MUST be holding up her life as well! I still say, even with the shtar Birurun, go back to court and let them know SHE is not abiding by Bais Din. This WILL put her in contempt and get her in trouble and possibly moving, by court order, in the right direction. And as I mentioned previously, don't worry about publicity or chilulei Hashem. If anyone here is committing a Chilul Hashem, it's the "Religious" Ex.

Gave A Get said...

We are not civilly divorced.

Anonymous said...

why don't you contact an Agun (left off the "a") organization for help?

Anonymous said...

Get yourself a couple of heavy duty toyens.

Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

Hey! Where'd you go? How come no updates?