Friday, October 19, 2007

A Date! A Date!

The Rabbonim have finally agreed to meet! We have date for the Bais Din.

It is the first week of November.

Mrs. has told a mutual acquaintance that she knows nothing about this even though her Borer has agreed, in writing, to come to New York!

I am ambivalent. Half of me hope she shows up so we can get this over, the other half hopes she does not so I can finally get a Seruv against her.


Anonymous said...

If both of you signed a "Shtar Birurim," the bais din has jurisdiction. Why the delay?

Gave A Get said...

The courts have rules that Rabbinical Arbitration has jurisdiction.

I am waiting for the Zablah to begin.

I hope it starts next week.

I am soooo looking forward to and end to this phase of my life.

Anonymous said...

Good luck. If it be any consolation to you, I know someone who gave a get nine years ago, (with no conditions, he believed it the right thing to do), and spent the subsequent nine years in court fighting a brutal battle. He has yet to be granted a civil divorce.