Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's next?

Religious-Ex filed in court to overturn the psak of the Bais Din.


Anonymous said...

Why is she filing in court? I thought you said she is getting everything she could have gotten? To me, a newcomer to your saga, I see a lot of unanswered questions. I know alot of people move on without a civil divorce. I know that because I myself was divorced, and have many friends who got remarried kdas moshe vyisroel. Did your ex do that? Did you?
Next question I have, is why are you not seeing your kids?? Dont they need a father? How could you not insist that they see you? Most of my divorced friends have their kids see their fathers. My biggest question is, In divorce, there are three sides,,, are u such a tzadik that you did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG???? Because here that is the way you portray yourself, leading me to believe there is way more than meets the eye in your case???

Gave A Get said...

I am far from perfect and have done much that is questionable in my life. However, through this process I feel that I have acted in a more reasonable fashion that my religious-ex.

As far as moving on, I have. I hope that she can and does as well.

Things are B"H much better with the kids.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that things are better with your kids, but now u confuse me even more,, You said previously you cant move on,, and now u are saying you did. Which is it?? Are ur legal issues over yet?? Did u remarry? Are you seeing your little neshamalach on a daily basis?? If so I am happy for you.
As to the questionable line u used before, arent we all human? Could ur ex be human as well? What was ur side in what you did WRONG in the marriage? Can I and anyone else reading this maybe learn from your mistakes?? Perhaps we need to revisit the general attitude that one has to their ex, No? After all she did mother your kids, and was good enough to make three babies with you, (As Dr Laura would put it.) There had to be love there at some point, no? If perhaps attitudes can change, maybe the kids have a fighting chance of coming out of this unscathed, or at the least, as unscathed as possible.
At the end of the day, I reread my original post to you, and I see you did not answer the original question. Why did she go to court? What can make a woman so angry that she has to resort to go to court??
I await your response,
Gut Shabbos,

Gave A Get said...

I think she got really really really bad advice and continues to do so.

She now admits that she was dumb for turning down the offers that I made her over the years.

As to your questions about moving on, I will change my profile accordingly.

Thank you for pointing that out.